Durham Castle Society Reunion 12th – 14th April 2024

University College was delighted to welcome nearly 200 alumni back to Castle for the 75th Castle Society Reunion the 12th –14th of April. It was wonderful to see such an amazing turn out with every room in the Castle booked and so many different generations of Castle represented.

Extensive restoration works meant that this was the first reunion held in Castle since 2022 and the weekend began with a tour to show off some of the progress.

Alongside reconnecting with old friends, the festivities included the Castle Society AGM, a wine tasting, a performance by Castle’s very own Dragonfly quartet and a Durham themed pub quiz.

The value of building relationship across generations was beautify illustrate with members of the class of ‘23 and ‘80 teaming up to claim victory.    

A true highlight of the weekend, the Reunion dinner saw the great hall filled to capacity and bustling with energy. Acclaimed author, science communicator and Castle alumna, Dr Natalie Starkey delivered an inspiring toast to the College. Attendees included groups celebrating milestone 50 and 20 year anniversaries, those who had just graduated a few months earlier and everyone in-between. The weekend was a wonderful showcase of what makes the Castle community so special, it was a true pleasure to hear so many stories and see how even though much has changed over the years being a member of University College connects us all.  

Our next Alumni event will be held in London on the 11th  of September, please mark your calendars and watch for more details coming soon. The 2025 Durham Castle Society reunion will take place the 11th  – 13th  of April, booking detail will be circulated in due course.  


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